HEX - analytiker: Lagring av energi kan gå 75 ganger'n

Rect Angel
HEX 20.08.2022 kl 21:13 121943


- Ingen industri i verden er posisjonert til å vokse så mye så raskt, sier analytikeren.


Overlater til enhver selv å vurdere analytikerens betraktninger og sammenholde disse med uttalelsen jeg siterer CEO i Hexagon Composites og styrelemedlem i Hexagon Purus Jon Erik Engeset på. Engeset uttalte det man kan lese nederst i trådstart i forbindelse med presentasjonen av Hexagon Composites' Q2 2022, 11.august.

The U.S. Senate Just Freed Energy Storage Stocks to Soar 75X

To our knowledge, no other industry in the world is positioned to grow this much, this quickly

By Luke Lango, InvestorPlace Senior Investment Analyst Aug 9, 2022, 10:46 am EDT
Yep. You read that right. It’s not a typo. Thanks to the Senate’s recent move, a certain group of stocks could soar 75-fold over the next several years. It would turn every $10,000 investment into a $750,000 payday.

It sounds too good to be true. I know. But it’s not. This legislation is truly historic — and it’s about to light a fire under an already red-hot hypergrowth tech industry.

The best stocks in that industry could be your golden tickets. They’re stocks that could make legends out of ordinary investors and fortunes out of small investments.


“Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels,” says Engeset.


Edit) Kom ikke frem at det er Engeset som står bak sitatet nederst. Nå er "says Engeset" på plass.
Redigert 06.02.2024 kl 15:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
21.08.2022 kl 11:31 52721

Ser jo meget lovende ut alt det der. Aksjemarkedet ligger vanligvis 6 - 8 måneder i forkant av hva som er forventet, så tiden burde være inne for en opptur i både HEX Com. og PURUS.
Kan ikke skjønne annet enn disse aksjene bør være over 40 tallet ved årsslutt.
75 gangeren i løpet av noen få år er ikke hver dags kost. Synes ventetiden har vært lang, men det er nok verd å vente litt til.
Rect Angel
21.08.2022 kl 23:19 52575

"Synes ventetiden har vært lang, men det er nok verd å vente litt til."

Ja, veldig lang ventetid. Dog veldig godt fornøyd med utviklingen i selskapsdriften til begge to. Så føles vel verdt å vente litt til ja.
Redigert 21.08.2022 kl 23:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
27.08.2022 kl 11:45 52276

Mitsui er klart største eier i Hexagon Composites med sin eierandel på 22.73% av de utestående aksjene.



Japansk gigant investerer i Norwegian Hydrogen

(MOTOR): Det japanske storkonsernet Mitsui investerer 70 millioner kroner i Norwegian Hydrogen. Gjennom den rettede emisjonen blir Mitsui nest største eier i selskapet med en eierandel på rundt 15%.

Publisert for 8 minutter siden, den
27. august 2022 Av Daniel DeNiazi

Mitsui er allerede aksjonær i Hexagon Composites ASA og Hexagon Purus ASA, hvor sistnevnte er en av de andre større aksjonærene i Norwegian Hydrogen. Mitsui har blitt kjent med Norwegian Hydrogen gjennom sitt eierskap i Hexagon gruppen. Over tid har det utviklet seg tette bånd direkte mellom Norwegian Hydrogen og Mitsui, noe som har ført til at de nå ønsket å investere direkte i selskapet på et tidlig tidspunkt.

–  Vi er tilfredse med å kunne utvikle vårt eksisterende partnerskap med Norwegian Hydrogen ytterligere. Gjennom investeringen ønsker vi å finne flere synergier mellom Norwegian Hydrogen og Mitsuis eksisterende investeringsportefølje knyttet til hydrogen. Det vil både styrke selskapet og bidra til å etablere et stabilt hydrogenmarked i Europa, uttaler Takafumi Kasai, GM Functional Materials Division i Mitsui.


Rect Angel
30.08.2022 kl 11:39 52028

Fascinerende prosjekt med eventyrlige iboende muligheter for skalering!

Blir spennende å se hvem som blir tildelt oppgavene når det gjelder drivstoffsystemet inkludert lagring/tanking av hydrogenet!


Stor milepæl for hydrogenferjene til Lofoten

(LOFOTEN): Det verdensledende skipsregisteret Lloyd’s Register godkjenner Torghatten Nords planer for hydrogenferjer over Vestfjorden. Rederiet tar dermed et viktig steg mot å starte byggingen av skipene i et prosjekt som får global oppmerksomhet.

Publisert for 2 dager siden,
den 28. august 2022
Av Daniel deNiazi

– Vi er svært tilfredse med godkjenningen og vi er stolte av å arbeide sammen med de fremste ekspertene på hydrogen som drivstoff på skip. Å utvikle hydrogenferjer på en så lang og værhard strekning er et klimaprosjekt i ypperste verdensklasse med stor betydning for hele maritim sektor og ikke minst Bodø og Lofoten, sier administrerende direktør i Torghatten Nord, Torkild Torkildsen. 

Under et arrangement på Havet i Bodø fredag morgen annonserte Lloyds skipsregister at de planlagte hydrogenfergene har oppnådd en såkalt prinsippgodkjenning – Approval in Principle (AiP). Det verdensledende skipsregisteret er valgt som klasseselskap på grunn av erfaring og kompetanse i prosjekter som bruker hydrogendrevne fartøy og nye drivstoffløsninger

Hydrogenferjene skal etter planen settes i drift fra høsten 2025. Til sammen vil de bidra til å kutte 26.500 tonn Co2 hvert år.     
– Vi er glade for å gi Torghatten Nord en prinsipiell godkjenning basert på en omfattende risikoanalyse av konsept og teknologi. Lloyd’s Register har vært til stede i Norge i 150 år, og vi ser på dette som et svært viktig prosjekt som vil drive frem bruken av hydrogen som et trygt og bærekraftig drivstoff, sier Markus Büsig som er sjef for Lloyds skipsregister i Nord-Europa.

Norwegian Ship Design i Førde er i full gang med design av fartøyene, og legger vekt på at fremtidens hydrogendrevne skip vil se annerledes ut.

– Båtene som skal utvikles, bygges og driftes har ikke sin make andre steder i verden. Vi må tenke nytt og finne helt nye løsninger sammenlignet med det som vi i dag kjenner som vanlige skip. Det er gjort en formidabel jobb fra både Lloyds Register og Torghatten Nords side for å få på plass denne godkjenningen. Vi har evaluert en rekke ulike løsninger for hydrogensystemet ombord. og har kommet frem til et unikt og sikkert konsept som hensyntar hydrogenets egenskaper, sier Gjermund Johannessen, daglig leder i Norwegian Ship Design.


Redigert 30.08.2022 kl 11:39 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.08.2022 kl 13:55 51950

Det er vel i den ideelle verden aksjemarkedet har horisont på 6-8 måneder...Føler mer horisonten er før og etter lunsj...🤔!
Rect Angel
30.08.2022 kl 16:53 51870

Storfin nyhet fra Tyskland. Verdenspremiere! 14 hydrogentog overlevert og satt i drift. Her er det neppe særlig tvil om at Hexagon Purus er med og at nye ordrer kan forventes fra togprodusenter som Alstom, Stadler og Talgo. Partnerskapet mellom Hexagon Purus og Alstom strekker seg langt tilbake i tid og i Q1 2022 presentasjonen i mai, kunne man lese:

– Alstom and Stadler drive rail growth in



Germany Introduces World’s First Hydrogen-Powered Trains

Published 2 days ago on
August 28, 2022
By Obafemee80

A fleet of 14 trains powered entirely by hydrogen fuel launched in Germany’s Lower Saxony state on Wednesday.

Replaces diesel-powered trains on a track connecting Cuxhaven, Bremerhaven, Bremervoerde, and Buxtehude.

Unlike the diesel-powered trains it is replacing, the hydrogen-powered trains emits just steam and evaporated water.

Fleet of hydrogen-powered trains were provided by French industrial giant Alstom to the German state of Lower Saxony.
“We are very proud to put this technology into operation together with our strong partners as a world premiere,” Alstom CEO, Henri Poupart-Lafarge, said in a statement on Wednesday.

Redigert 30.08.2022 kl 17:22 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
31.08.2022 kl 12:27 51755

Never before have we seen this amount of money available for alternative fuel projects. The oldest and dirtiest trucks will be replaced by the cleanest and newest.”

— Lynn Lyon, Sustainable Transportation Executive for U.S. Gain

Hydrogen Trucks and Buses Will Deliver Zero-Emissions with Generous Incentives for Vehicles, Infrastructure and More

Shale Directories
August 30, 2022, 11:30 GMT

PENN VALLEY, PA, US, August 30, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- A new $1 billion clean heavy duty vehicle program managed by the Environmental Protection Agency will cover 100% of the incremental costs for a company owner to buy a zero-emissions hydrogen-powered truck, over and above the cost for the same heavy-duty vehicle powered by traditional diesel fuel.
Roughly 350,000 heavy duty trucks are sold in North America annually, with 97% diesel-powered, Lyon said.

But given the momentum government and companies are generating, she predicts within 20 years 50% of heavy-duty trucks will run on alternative fuels including battery electric, fuel cell hydrogen, hybrid electric, renewable natural gas and renewable diesel.

Rect Angel
31.08.2022 kl 23:32 51623

BMW går for hydrogen

BMW åpnet onsdag fabrikken som skal lage brenselcelle-systemer til hydrogenbiler, og kjører veien konkurrenten ikke vil kjøre.

Publisert 31. aug. 2022 kl. 13.51
Odd Steinar Parr

BMW har startet produksjonen av brenselceller for sin hydrogendrevne SUV iX5, og går dermed videre med det alternative drivstoffet konkurrentene anser som uegnet for personbiler
Toyota skal levere selve brenselcellene, mens BMW selv har utviklet noen komponenter – inklusive kompressorer.


BMWs hydrogendrevne personbiler må selvfølgelig ha hydrogentanker så minner i den forbindelse om denne meldingen fra Hexagon Purus, datert 3.februar 2022:

Hexagon Purus joins forces with BMW, Bosch and TesTneT on project “FlatHyStor” to research innovative hydrogen storage system solutions for hydrogen-powered vehicles

February 03, 2022 10:35 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA

BMW AG, Robert Bosch GmbH, TesTneT Engineering GmbH and Hexagon Purus are working together in research and advanced development of an innovative hydrogen storage system solution for future fuel cell passenger cars.

Redigert 31.08.2022 kl 23:35 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.09.2022 kl 10:40 51516

Stadig vekk, nye og gode meldinger vedr. Hydrogen. Kan også se ut for at vi har fått en bunn i aksjen og at ventetiden for oppgang snart er over.
Rect Angel
02.09.2022 kl 11:25 51471

En kjempesjanse til forstå (den kommende globale revolusjonen som allerede har startet og er godt i gang i USA) så meld dere på!

Invitation to webcast 14 September 2022 - Navigating the road to zero emissions

September 02, 2022 04:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA

In the US, compressed (renewable) natural gas has been the gamechanger in the heavy-duty trucking sector with over 175,000 RNG/CNG vehicles on the road. With a growing European regulatory network, increasing diesel prices and high availability of natural gas, we need to consider the clean fuel alternatives for more compact European heavy-duty vehicles.

On 14 September, 08:00 am CEST, we invite customers, shareholders, analysts, media and other stakeholders for a one-hour presentation and discussion on the options for heavy-duty transport in Europe.

To attend the event, please register here.


Introduction and market view
Harmen Dekker, CEO European Biogas Association

The spectrum of clean fuel alternatives, industry landscape & technology demand
Eric Bippus, SVP Global Sales & Marketing, Hexagon Agility

Regulatory landscape in the EU
Ashley Remillard, VP Legal, Hexagon Agility

Introduction to Cryoshelter's tank technology
Matthias Rebernik, CEO, Cryoshelter

Panel discussion

Audience Q&A

For more information:

Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
+47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com

About Hexagon Agility

Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and gas transportation solutions. Its product offerings include natural gas storage and delivery systems, Type 4 composite natural gas cylinders, propane, and natural gas fuel systems. These products transport clean gaseous fuels and enable vehicles to reduce emissions while saving operating costs. Learn more at www.hexagonagility.com and follow @HexagonAgility on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About Hexagon Composites ASA

Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn

Redigert 02.09.2022 kl 13:25 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
07.09.2022 kl 12:28 51238

Today, 10:17 am ‧ Michel Doepke

Exclusive: "The Hexagon Group is our absolute dream partner" - Cryoshelter boss in a DER AKTIONÄR interview

Attentive AKTIONÄR readers know Hexagon Composites, the Norwegian specialist in high-pressure vessels and systems for various gases. This year the group invested in the Austrian tank specialist Cryoshelter. DER AKTIONÄR took this as an opportunity to talk to the company's director, Matthias Rebernik, about the prospects and technology.
What scale are you tracking with the Hexagon group?

The Hexagon Group is our absolute dream partner. The Norwegians  are positioned globally and therefore have ideal access to customers. Our pilot production in Austria is expanded to series production. There are quantity scenarios for which we cannot yet provide any information  . We want to start series production in 2024.
Why is the Hexagon Group your partner of choice and not the American market leader Chart Industries?

The Hexagon Group covers the entire field of clean drives,  has a global network and is in contact with fleet operators. I think  the cryo and high pressure storage is a good addition. The company can now offer the right storage technology for every need. The company's attitude to how things are done is terrific.


Børsmeldingen om Hexagon Groups sluttføring av investering i Cryoshelter:

Hexagon successfully acquires 40 percent stake in Cryoshelter, unlocking new opportunities for Hexagon Agility and Hexagon Purus

August 01, 2022 15:24 ET | Source: Hexagon Agility




Redigert 07.09.2022 kl 12:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
07.09.2022 kl 14:08 51244

PS) Under webcast-presentasjonen onsdag 14.september blir det rik anledning til å høre mer om Cryoshelters teknologi og løsninger ettersom CEO i Cryoshelter Matthias Rebernik der skal foredra under tittelen "Introduction to Cryoshelter's tank technology".

For mer info om webcast-presentasjonen se innlegg på denne tråden 02.09.2022 kl 11:25.
Redigert 07.09.2022 kl 14:09 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
07.09.2022 kl 19:39 51336

Korsiktige bevegelser i aksjekurser er en ting, selskapsdrift noe annet. Styreleder i Purus og CEO i Composites Jon Erik Engeset sa under Compisites' Q2 2022 11.august at han var ekstremt godt fornøyd med utviklingen i Purus' selskapsdrift. Så salg av Purus-aksjer til dagens kurser: Nei takk! Engeset har heldigvis da også uttalt at salg av Purus-aksjer er uaktuelt nå. Og videre at man sikter å få Purus notert på hovedlisten før nyttår.

Til orientering har Topp20 aksjonærene i både Composites og Purus økt beholdningen i det siste.
Redigert 07.09.2022 kl 19:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
09.09.2022 kl 12:18 51196

Kan HPUR bli tatt opp på hovedlisten med den omsetningen den for tiden har? Eller kreves det en viss omsetning for at sånn kan skje. Er det noen som kan svare på dette?
Rect Angel
14.09.2022 kl 18:03 50926

Til orientering for dere som måtte være interessert, er Hexagon Groups presentasjon i dag tidlig nå tilgjengelig både som video-opptak og i PDF-format.

Navigating the road to zero emissions

September 14, 2022 - Press Release

Rect Angel
21.09.2022 kl 14:06 50515

Litt nytt/oppdatering rundt SEA CHANGE hvor Hexagon Purus står for hydrogentankene, og samarbeidet med BMW, Bosch og TesTneT Engineering Gmb om utvikling av en flat hydrogentank for hydrogendrevne personbiler.

September 20, 2022

Ferries, News

Washington State Ferries to outline its hybrid electric journey at FERRIES 2022

Written by Heather Ervin

SWITCH Maritime’s landmark Sea Change hydrogen-powered ferry project got a lot of attention at Marine Log’s FERRIES 2021 held last November along the New York Harbor. This year, up to 75 attendees have the chance to ride on it. Guests are encouraged to register soon, as the tour will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Launched in August 2021 at All American Marine, the Sea Change is a 70-foot catamaran ferry designed by Incat Crowther, equipped with a hydrogen fuel cell system from Zero Emissions Industries (ZEI), which includes 360 kW of fuel cells from Cummins and 242 kg of hydrogen storage tanks from Hexagon Purus, and a 600 kW electric propulsion system from BAE Systems that includes 100 kWh of lithium-ion battery storage from XALT. The Hornblower Group led the construction management.

The 75-passenger ferry receives gaseous hydrogen into its 242 kg tanks on the upper deck. It uses that hydrogen in fuel cells producing electricity to power electric motors for distances up to 300 nautical miles, and speeds up to 20 knots—similar capabilities to diesel-powered vessels—with the added benefits of zero exhaust smoke or other emissions and very little vibration and noise.

The Sea Change project is managed and financed by SWITCH Maritime, an impact investment firm building the first fleet of exclusively zero-carbon maritime vessels for adoption by existing ship owners and operators. Sea Change was the first vessel in the larger zero-carbon ferry fleet that SWITCH planned to construct in 2022, in partnership with municipalities and shipowners aiming to transition to carbon-free vessels. In making the transition, they were able to leverage government grant funds related to transportation decarbonization activities targeted by the landmark U.S. infrastructure bill.


Could This Be the Next Hyundai NEXO?

20 Sep 2022, 18:34 UTC · 
by Gustavo Henrique Ruffo
BMW is trying to develop a flat hydrogen tank with TesTneT Engineering GmbH and Hexagon Purus. If they pull it off, such a hydrogen tank could fit where electric vehicles have their battery packs. In other words, automakers could easily replace some battery modules with a hydrogen tank or even the entire battery pack. If Hyundai has anything similar to offer on the next-generation NEXO, it may use the E-GMP or even the IMA on the NEXO instead of developing a platform exclusively for its FCEVs. Whatever prevails in the long run, the Korean automaker will be prepared for it.


22.09.2022 kl 11:34 50480

Etter at aksjen er ned 30 prosent på en drøy måned ble fristelsen for stor for ABG-analytiker Haakon Amundsen. Han bare måtte analysere aksjen, og anbefale den til kundene. (kilde = Finansavisen)
Rect Angel
22.09.2022 kl 12:25 50575

Når man følger nøye med på dette, blir man ganske forundret over hvor liten interesse det er for Hexagon Group og alt som foregår i selskapene. Her hjemme vel og merke.

Det bekymrer egentlig ikke så veldig når man sitter langsiktig i Purus og Composites aksjene, for da er man mer opptatt av fremtidsutsiktene innen selskapenes eksplosivt voksende forretningsområder, og interessen fra selskapene Hexagon Group, som globalt markedsledende, har på partner-/kundelistene sine. Deutsche Bahn, Bosch og Linde som er nevnt i denne artikkelen, og en mengde andre globale 'storfisker'.

- Etterspørselen er enorm, er budskapet her fra CEO i 100% Hexagon Purus eide Wystrach, Wolfgang Wolter.

Og som man også kan lese, er da også kraftig ekspansjon nå underveis, i form av stor utvidelse av Wystrachs produksjonskapasitet.

Ambitious plans at Wystrach : Weeze gets a hydrogen filling station

September 21, 2022 at 5:45 p.m. 3 minutes

Weeze near Wystrach will soon be built and delivered almost 20 petrol stations with the new technology annually. Managing Director Wolfgang Wolter speaks of "huge demand". You can also refuel on site.

The network of those interested in hydrogen is growing in the district of Kleve, clearly. This was also shown by the meeting in Weeze near Wystrach, recently part of Hexagon Purus. The business development agency Kleve, who has repeatedly invited to events of this kind in the past few months, had asked Wystrach Managing Director Wolfgang Wolter to present a hydrogen petrol station. A technological eye-catcher, of which the market leader Wystrach delivered eight pieces this year. The capacities here too: From 2024, almost 20 a year should be launched, in addition to the other hydrogen systems and vehicles from Weeze. "The inquiries are immensely," says Managing Director Wolter in front of the approximately 30 guests, all of whom can be described as important multipliers. They looked at two facilities that will soon be prepared for the trip to Poland. Wystrach made 38 million euros in sales last year, 56 million it should be 22 by the end of the year. The number of employees is still over 220. A further 50 are likely to be added promptly, according to the managing director.

Today part of Norwegian company History

The story of Wystrach started on a garden fence. Joachim Wystrach started talking to his neighbor in 1988, who worked in the gas industry. So the first order in this industry came about. After that, the company specialized as an expert in hydrogen. Wystrach is a system supplier and innovation leader for saving for hydrogen and other gases. Takeover The family business Wystrach with its 200 employees is now part of Hexagon Purus, a listed Norwegian company.

In the next few weeks, he says, he will experience a further laying of the foundation stone in a central point of the Weez industrial area. It's about a large expansion. For this purpose, a 20,000 square meter property is to be used directly on the B 9, which belongs to the company. Wystrach wants to build further production and office buildings here. Another building as an office and training center, two production and assembly halls, a parking deck for the employees and a hydrogen filling station are currently planned for operational development. This petrol station should also be used publicly. A statement to which the first applause present donated. And all of which should have been pleased, who are looking for their own fleets for the future of mobility. According to the experts, you see 300 kilometers of range as feasible for a coach. The trucks are likely to reach up to 600 kilometers of radius due to higher supply loading options.

The Deutsche Bahn, Bosch and Linde company, like many others, are among the large companies that are interested in the hydrogen segment. They belong to the Technology-oriented customer base of the Weezer. Those present from the regional hydrogen network should have once again become clear at this event: something is moving in Weeze that the world of technology should look at with interest. (RP/Zel)

Redigert 22.09.2022 kl 12:45 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
22.09.2022 kl 19:56 50499

Hexagon Purus forsyner disse to med hydrogentanker med tilhørende teknologi så hyggelig å registrere at de to kundene av/partnerne til Hexagon Purus, togprodusentene Stadler og Alstom, har inngått ferske intensjonsavtaler.

Stadler closing in on second US deal for hydrogen trains

Published on 22-09-2022 at 06:00


Alstom and the Saudi Railway Company explore hydrogen solutions for Saudi Arabia

Published on 21-09-2022 at 16:18


Rect Angel
27.09.2022 kl 10:20 50294

I Hexagon Group er man globalt markedsledende innen alt man driver med.

Klart produkt- og miljøsertifisering som dette er et meget viktig konkurransefortrinn i vår tid med stadig økende fokus på bærekraft og miljø.

Ledelsen i Hexagon Group omtaler titt og ofte Hexagon Ragasco som 'our cash cow' . Dette lukter av mer og mer cash fra denne selskapsdivisjonen.

Hexagon Ragasco, the world’s leading manufacturer of composite LPG cylinders, awarded new Environmental Product Declaration

September 27, 2022 03:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA

Hexagon Ragasco, a Hexagon company and world leading manufacturer of LPG composite cylinders – was awarded a new Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) from EPD-Norway covering the entire lifetime of their cylinders from cradle to grave.

Hexagon Ragasco’s cylinders are produced at the company’s fully automated manufacturing plant in Raufoss, Norway. During the past 22 years, Hexagon Ragasco has sold over 20 million cylinders to close to 100 countries.

Value of an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

An EPD discloses a product’s life cycle environmental impact and helps users to identify sustainable products. Both the underlying Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA) and the EPD are based upon international standards. Furthermore, it contains quantified information that enables comparison between products from the same product category and declares its environmental footprint towards predetermined environmental factors; one being the product’s carbon footprint.

Hexagon Ragasco’s first EPD covered the product stage, from cradle-to-gate, and is valid for all our markets / customers in their markets.*

The new EPD covers the entire product’s lifetime from cradle-to-grave: product, use and end-of-life stages. The data was gathered in cooperation with Linde Gas AS, Norway’s largest Marketer of bottled LPG. The new EPD has a baseline of two cylinder fillings per year and a 30-year product lifetime.

Setting a new industry standard

“Our focus is on reducing our carbon footprint and on delivering transparent and science-based information that can also help our customers reduce their own carbon footprint.” says Margrethe Skattum, Head of Research & Sustainability, Hexagon Ragasco. “We continue leading the way among composite LPG cylinder manufacturers in terms of transparency in sustainability reporting. Our work with LCA is part of our business strategy and is in line with the EU Taxonomy”.

EPD Certification process

Asplan Viak, a leading Norwegian consultancy company specialized in a.o. environmental impact analysis and sustainability, guided Hexagon Ragasco through this and the previous EPD certification process** for the entire cylinder lifetime which included: Extraction and production of raw materials, transport of raw materials to the manufacturing plant, manufacturing of cylinders and transport of finished cylinders to the port of Oslo, Norway; preparation and distribution of packaging in use, retesting and maintenance of cylinders, end-of-life stage. (See Figure 1 attached)

For more information:

Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com

Maria-José Pacheco, Head of Marketing and Communications, Hexagon Ragasco
Telephone: + 47 472 69 709 | maria.pacheco@hexagonragasco.com

*) Production and transportation of raw materials to the manufacturing plant in Raufoss, Norway; The production of composite cylinders at Hexagon Ragasco’s manufacturing plant: and transportation of finished composite cylinders from the manufacturing plant to the port of Oslo, Norway.

**) The LCA has been made in accordance with EN 15804:2012 + A2 2019 and ISO 14040. The EPD has been made in accordance with ISO 14025:2010 and verified by Aase Teknikk – a third-party verifying body approved by EPD-Norway. EPD-Norway is the organization which lists the approved EPD’s in Norway. More than 1600 EPDs from over 190 companies are now published and freely available at EPD-Norway.

About Hexagon Ragasco

At Hexagon Ragasco we are committed to quality, safety and innovation. We are the leading manufacturer of composite LPG cylinders with an industry-leading safety record of 22+ years and more than 20 million cylinders sold worldwide. Our products bring unique benefits to both LPG marketers and their customers. ​LPG has a significant role to play as a transitional energy source with the potential to improve air quality and health for billions of people who rely on highly pollutant and toxic fuels as primary energy.  We believe in cleaner air and safer LPG for everyone, everywhere.​
 Learn more at www.hexagonragasco.com and follow @Hexagon_Ragasco on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About Hexagon Composites ASA

Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn


Redigert 27.09.2022 kl 10:21 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
14.10.2022 kl 14:16 49882

Hexagon Purus børsmelder i dag ny kontrakt om leveranser av hydrogendistribusjonssystemer til en ledende, europeisk produsent av grønt hydrogen, verdt minimum ca. 100 millioner NOK.

Systemene vil bli levert i perioden Q4 2022 - Q4 2023.

“We are currently experiencing strong commercial momentum within our hydrogen distribution business following the recent push from European authorities to reduce emissions and increase energy security”, says Michael Kleschinski, EVP of Hexagon Purus. “We are very happy to play an important part in supporting European authorities’ ambitious growth plan for hydrogen adoption”.  

Hele børsmeldingen:

Hexagon Purus enters into framework agreement to deliver hydrogen distribution systems in Europe

October 14, 2022 07:35 ET | Source: Hexagon Purus ASA

(Oslo, Norway, 14 October 2022) Hexagon Purus ASA (“Hexagon Purus”), through its wholly owned subsidiary Wystrach GmbH, a leading hydrogen systems supplier, has secured a framework agreement for delivery of hydrogen distribution systems to a leading European producer of green hydrogen.

Hexagon Purus’ hydrogen distribution systems including its type 4 hydrogen cylinders will be used to deliver hydrogen for transportation and industrial applications in Europe. The minimum value of the framework agreement is approximately EUR 9.7 million (approximately NOK 97 million).

Driving Energy Transformation

“We are currently experiencing strong commercial momentum within our hydrogen distribution business following the recent push from European authorities to reduce emissions and increase energy security”, says Michael Kleschinski, EVP of Hexagon Purus. “We are very happy to play an important part in supporting European authorities’ ambitious growth plan for hydrogen adoption”.  

About the market

The industrial and mobility sectors are accountable for close to 50% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing these emissions, particularly in “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in industrial processes and mobility is critical to reduce carbon emissions.

As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps, over USD 70 billion in government funding is committed to hydrogen investments, more than 500 large-scale hydrogen projects have been announced by the industry to date and green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050.


Delivery of the hydrogen systems is scheduled from Q4 2022 to Q4 2023.  

For more information:

Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com

About Hexagon Purus

Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.

Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act


Redigert 14.10.2022 kl 14:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
17.10.2022 kl 10:28 49735

Hexagon Agility som står for ca. 85% for omsetningen til Hexagon Composites, børsmelder i dag mandag 17.oktober en ny kontrakt til en verdi av ca. 288 millioner NOK med en 'major heavy-duty fleet in North America'.

Hvis man leser gjennom denne børsmeldingen, bør det være heller enkelt å forstå at Hexagon Group (Hexagon Composites og Hexagon Purus) som begge er meget vel etablert og 'as we speak' ekspanderer kraftig på kontinentet, nå går en stor fremtid i møte i Nord-Amerika som følge av USAs føderale myndigheters politiske føringer og finasielle stimuli.

For de som ikke måtte vite det, kjører f.eks. ca. 80% av dagens gassdrevne mellom- og tungtransportkjøretøy i Nord-Amerika rundt med tanker og tilhørende drivstoffsystemer installert og levert av Hexagon Agility. Og det som står i denne børsmeldingen, er vel nærmest et svart på hvitt statement om at det kan forventes meget sterk vekst i årevis fremover innen dette forretningssegmentet i Nord-Amerika. Så Hexagon Agilitys nåværende markedsandel innen segmentet på 80% (!!!), gjør man nok lurt i å bite seg merke i.

Hexagon Agility receives orders from major heavy-duty fleet in North America

October 17, 2022 01:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA

Hexagon Agility, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites, has received orders from a major heavy-duty fleet in North America for renewable natural gas (RNG) fuel systems. The orders represent an estimated value of USD 27.1 million (approx. NOK 288 million).

“We commend our customer for its ongoing commitment to further its emission reduction targets through the use of renewable natural gas,” said Seung Baik, President of Hexagon Agility. “In 2021, 64% of all on-road fuel used in the United States for natural gas vehicles was RNG, delivering carbon negative results nationwide. With the recent USD 0.50 per gallon federal Alternative Fuel Tax Credit extension, our government has affirmed its commitment to supporting RNG for years to come.”

About the market

RNG results in the greatest reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of any clean energy solution available today in the transport sector. In addition, RNG is supported by vast infrastructure in North America, allowing for immediate deployment of this cost effective and commercially available technology. Research shows that RNG derived from agricultural waste can offer more than 200% improvement in well-to-wheel emission reductions compared to diesel, and is the only carbon-negative fuel available.

In the U.S., the Inflation Reduction Act signed into law in August aims to bring down costs and boost energy supply, cutting inflation and substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Of the total USD 739 billion package, USD 369 billion is earmarked for “Energy Security and Climate Change” which would put the U.S. on a path to a roughly 40% emissions reduction by 2030. Tens of billions of dollars will go toward supporting renewable energy development, including tax credits and grants for clean fuels and clean commercial vehicles, including heavy-duty vehicles such as transit buses and garbage trucks.


Deliveries of the fuel systems are scheduled to start Q1 2023.

For more information:

Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com  

Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com

About Hexagon Agility

Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and gas transportation solutions. Its product offerings include (renewable) natural gas storage and distribution systems, Type 4 composite natural gas cylinders, propane, and (renewable) natural gas fuel systems. These products transport clean gaseous fuels and enable vehicles to reduce emissions while saving operating costs. Learn more at www.hexagonagility.com and follow @HexagonAgility on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Redigert 17.10.2022 kl 10:51 Du må logge inn for å svare
17.10.2022 kl 10:54 49879

DNB Markets tar opp dekning av Hexagon Composites med en kjøpsanbefaling og kursmål på 29 kroner pr. aksje.

Det fremgår av en analyse fra meglerhuset søndag.

Meglerhuset mener at aksjen handles til en betydelig rabatt mot sammenlignbare selskapet og meglerhuset ser dermed et sterkt reprisingspotensial.
Rect Angel
17.10.2022 kl 15:45 49881

Nye kontrakt børsmeldt av Hexagon Composites i dag altså, verdt ca. 288 millioner NOK, innen RNG (se innlegg her på tråden i dag 17.10.2022, 10:28).

Og stadige større bevegelser innen RNG sektoren. De helt store spillerne innen energiproduksjon entrer banen. Chevron har f.eks. vært på ballen en god stund nå. Her en helt fersk nyhet som ble publisert for et kvarters tid siden om at BP posisjonerer gjennom oppkjøp.

Meget gledelig utvikling for Hexagon Composites dette. Ditto for vår alles klode.

“This deal accelerates our ability to deliver cleaner energy, generate significant earnings in a fast-growing sector and help reduce emissions. This could help bp take a significant stride toward our net zero ambition,” Dave Lawler, chairman and president of BP America, said in the news release.

BP to Buy Archaea Energy. The Renewable Natural Gas Stock Is Soaring.

Published: Oct. 17, 2022 at 9:14 a.m. ET
By Angela Palumbo

Archaea Energy shares soared Monday after announcing it would be acquired by British oil giant BP for $4.1 billion.

BP (ticker: BP) will pay $3.3 billion in cash, or $26 per share, for renewable natural gas company Archaea (LFG), as well as around $800 million for the company’s debt, according to a news release. That’s a 38% premium to Archaea’s volume weighted average share price for the 30 days ending October 14, the companies said.

The deal is subject to regulatory and shareholder approvals, and both companies hope the deal will close by the end of this year.

Upon completion of the transaction, Archaea will operate as a subsidiary within BP, according to a joint news release.

“This deal accelerates our ability to deliver cleaner energy, generate significant earnings in a fast-growing sector and help reduce emissions. This could help bp take a significant stride toward our net zero ambition,” Dave Lawler, chairman and president of BP America, said in the news release.

Shares of Archaea Energy surged 52% in premarket trading Monday to $25.73. BP’s American depositary receipts were also 1% higher in the premarket session Monday.

Archaea went public through a merger with a special purpose acquisition company, or SPAC, in Sept. 2021. Coming into Monday trading, the stock had fallen 7.7% in 2022 and 5.3% in the last 12 months.

Write to Angela Palumbo at angela.palumbo@dowjones.com

Redigert 17.10.2022 kl 15:50 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
18.10.2022 kl 11:41 49966

Hexagon Digital Wave har signert en treårig avtale med Certarus Ltd. (Certarus), den ledende leverandøren av nøkkelferdige virtuelle rørledningsløsninger i Nord-Amerika, verdt ca. 21 millioner NOK. Serviceavtalen innebærer at Hexagon Digital Wave skal gjennomføre nødvendige kontroller med henblikk på rekvalifisering av Certaurus' Type-4 sylindere for gasstransport (CNG og RNG).

Hexagon Digital Wave er Hexagon Composites' nyeste divisjon, og CEO Engeset og CFO Bandele rapporterte under Q2 2022 presentasjonen i august at divisjonen allerede genererer overskudd. Så denne avtalen med Nord-Amerikas ledende aktør innen sitt forretningsområde, er selvfølgelig veldig godt nytt.

Fremstår som en ganske så imponerende teknologisk løsning Hexagon Digital Waves MAE (Modal Acoustic Emission) teknologi.

Hexagon Digital Wave signs long term agreement with Certarus using Modal Acoustic Emission technology to requalify Type-4 cylinders

October 18, 2022 03:00 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA

18 October 2022: Hexagon Digital Wave has signed a long-term agreement with Certarus Ltd. (Certarus), the leading provider of turnkey virtual pipeline solutions in North America. Hexagon Digital Wave will perform in situ Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) requalification of Type-4 cylinders used for transportation of compressed natural and renewable natural gas (CNG/RNG). MAE enables the requalification of Type-4 cylinders without removal from the trailer, resulting in reduced downtime and operator overhead, all while providing the most effective assessment of composite structural integrity available. The long-term agreement has a 3-year term and estimated value of USD 2 million ( approx. NOK 21 million).

Driving Energy Transformation

“This agreement confirms that the future of MAE in the CNG and RNG industry remains strong. It’s also a testament to Certarus’s continued commitment to safety by leveraging best available technology” says Melissa Holler, President of Hexagon Digital Wave. “We look forward to supporting Certarus with requalifications of Type-4 cylinders and are pleased to be working with such an industry leader to further this adoption in the years to come.”

“Hexagon has been instrumental to the growth of Certarus and we look forward to continuing our relationship through this new agreement. MAE will ensure that our equipment remains safe and reliable while reducing the downtime and expense typically associated with requalification. We also believe that MAE will support current data suggesting that the useful life of our assets extends beyond initial industry expectations,” said Curtis Philippon, President and CEO of Certarus.

About the market

MAE uses advanced electronics and sensors that capture broadband waveforms to identify whether structural integrity deficiencies are present in Composite Overwrappped Pressure Vessels (COPVs).  The use of MAE is a requalification method adopted by the US Department of Transportation (US/DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and Transport Canada for the five (5) year requalification requirement.  Hexagon Digital Wave performs requalification of COPVs under its US DOT special permit 20396. By performing inspections in situ, the need to vent trailer contents to the atmosphere is eliminated, enabling our customers to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and meet their sustainability goals.

A significant increase in customer demand for compressed gas transport is driving module owners to seek safe, yet time efficient methods of cylinder requalification. Hexagon Digital Wave’s MAE services meet these requirements, and when leveraged, alleviate pain points for customers and module suppliers alike.


Requalification is set to begin in the fourth quarter of 2022.


Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com

Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com 

About Hexagon Digital Wave

Hexagon Digital Wave, a subsidiary of Hexagon Composites ASA, is a manufacturer of Ultrasonic Examination (UE) cylinder testing equipment, Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) testing equipment and a provider of associated inspection services. With applications worldwide, Hexagon Digital Wave serves government entities, academic institutions, and private clients in the compressed gas and pressure vessel industries.

About Certarus

Certarus is the North American leader in providing on-road low carbon energy solutions through a fully integrated CNG, RNG, and hydrogen platform. Certarus safely delivers clean burning fuels to energy, utility, agricultural and industrial customers not connected to a pipeline. By displacing more carbon intensive fuels, Certarus is leading the energy transition and helping customers lower operating costs and improve environmental performance. With the largest fleet of mobile gas storage units in North America, Certarus is uniquely positioned to meet the growing demand for low and zero-emission energy distribution.

About Hexagon Composites ASA
Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation, and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at www.hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn

Rect Angel
19.10.2022 kl 23:05 49936

De tre foregående børsdager har bydd på samme antall flotte, børsmeldte kontrakter til Hexagon Group, tilsammen verdt mer enn 400 millioner NOK. To til Hexagon Composites, verdt tilsammen ca. 309 milloner NOK, og en til Hexagon Purus verdt minimum ca. 100 millioner NOK. Hertil er vi vitner til gedigne nyheter fra makroøkonomien som med all ønskelig tydelighet demonstrerer at klodens giganter innen energiproduksjon nå i full fart er på vei inn i biometan/RNG/renewable gas produksjon og gjør svære investeringer.

Mandag fikk vi nyheten om at BP kjøper biometan/RNG/renewable natural gas selskapet Archaea Energy for US$ 4.1 milliarder (se innlegg på denne tråden 17.10.2022 kl 15:45)

I dag får vi så vite at Shell står midt oppi en intens budkamp med sikte på å kjøpe det danske biometan/RNG/renewable natural gas selskapet Nature Energy. Pris anslått til ca. US$ 2 milliarder.

Klodens giganter innen energiproduksjon har altså lest skriften på veggen og skjønt hvilken vei man nå må følge inn i fremtiden hvis man fortsett ønsker å være relevant.

Så utviklingen nå er, mildt sagt, lovende for Hexagon Group og fremtidsutsiktene synes svært lyse! Minner i den forbindelse om hva CEO Engeset sa om Hexagon Composites' fremtidsutsikter i forbindelse med Q2 2022 presentasjonen i august (se trådstart for mer):

"Looking ahead, we believe that the US Inflation Reduction Act and the European Commission’s REPower EU, as well as similar programs in other major economies, will drive Hexagon’s total addressable market to new levels"


Shell advances to next round of bidding for Danish biogas maker Nature Energy -sources

By Reuters  •  Updated: 19/10/2022 - 11:15

By Ron Bousso and Isla Binnie

LONDON – Shell is among a number of companies joining a second bidding round to acquire Danish biogas producer Nature Energy, three sources familiar with the matter said, as energy firms race to boost low-carbon businesses.

The sale is due to close by the end of this year and could value Nature Energy at around $2 billion, the sources said.

It comes amid growing interest in biogas, which is produced from agricultural and other biological waste and could replace some of the fossil fuels that keep the world’s major economies running.

BP on Monday agreed to buy U.S.-based renewable natural gas producer Archaea Energy Inc for about $4.1 billion. It aims to grow its production five-fold by 2030.


19.10.2022 kl 23:15 50086

Ja og EBITDA guidingen er også bra nok i massevis sett i lys av hvordan det går i verden ellers nå
Rect Angel
19.10.2022 kl 23:37 50107

Nettopp. Man ser ut til å levere solid på guidet omsetning gitt i begynnelsen av året. Da bør det ikke være så vanskelig å skjønne resten. I år ble det helt bakvendtland og en på trynet å ha full ordrebok for 2022 allerede ved årets begynnelse, noe ledelsen fortalte at man hadde under Q & A på Q presentasjon. Uflaks! Men gledelig nok meldte man jo forleden om at prisøkningen på energi og råvarer inn til produksjon i altoverveiende grad vil være hentet inn fra kundene/partnerne når man blar om i ordreboken til 2023. Når det gjelder problemene i forsyningskjedene så berører jo de Hexagon Group i likhet med utallige andre virksomheter. Hot word: RNG
Redigert 19.10.2022 kl 23:47 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
28.10.2022 kl 13:00 49831

Super dupert! 👍 God helg

Commercial cooperation between Hexagon Purus and Lhyfe for distribution of green and renewable hydrogen in Europe

October 28, 2022 - Press Release

(Oslo, Norway and Nantes, France, 28 October 2022)

Hexagon Purus, a leading hydrogen systems supplier, and Lhyfe, a world pioneer in the production of green and renewable hydrogen for transportation and industrial applications, recently entered into a commercial cooperation for delivery of Hexagon Purus’ type 4 hydrogen distribution systems. As a result, Lhyfe will be able to deliver a maximum of 19 tons of green hydrogen per trip, corresponding to the consumption of 650 transit buses.

“Demand for green hydrogen will surge in the coming years and Lhyfe aims to become one of the leading green and renewable hydrogen producers in Europe”, says Matthieu Guesné, CEO & founder of Lhyfe. “We are very happy to have Hexagon Purus supporting our efforts in providing green and renewable hydrogen for transportation and industry applications in Europe”.

Antoine Hamon, Director of Operations at Lhyfe, continues: "The conclusion of this important cooperation with an industry leader such as Hexagon Purus allows us to secure our logistics capacity, and to meet the needs of our rapid development across Europe."

“We are very happy to cooperate with Lhyfe and support their ambitious growth plans for green hydrogen in Europe”, says Michael Kleschinski, EVP of Hexagon Purus. “Our distribution systems with Type 4 composite high-pressure cylinders are the preferred technology for bulk distribution of compressed hydrogen”.

Lhyfe counts among its strategic investors made by Mitsui & Co., Ltd. which is also a shareholder and strategic alliance partner of Hexagon Purus. As a common strategic partner, Mitsui has played an important facilitating role in this agreement and has helped accelerate the deployment of green hydrogen in Europe.

Hiroshi Kakiuchi, Chief Operating Officer of Performance Material Business Unit of Mitsui says: “Beyond the support we can individually provide each of our partners with, we are also committed to fostering synergies between these partners that have a common vision and interests with Mitsui to decarbonize the mobility and industry sector as well as to creating a framework of trust to facilitate their collaborations. The signing of this agreement between Hexagon Purus and Lhyfe is a success that we are delighted with.”

About the market

The industrial and mobility sectors are accountable for close to 50% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing these emissions, particularly in “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in industrial processes and mobility is critical to reduce carbon emissions.

As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps, over USD 70 billion in government funding is committed to hydrogen investments, more than 500 large-scale hydrogen projects have been announced by the industry to date and green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050.

For more information:

Investor contacts:

Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com

Maria Pardo Saleme, CFO, Lhyfe

Press contacts:

Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com

Industry Press Relations att. Clémence Rebours
Telephone: +33 (0)6 60 57 76 43 | c.rebours@nouvelles-graines.com

Financial Press Relations att. Manon Clairet
Telephone: +33 (0)1 53 67 36 73 | mclairet@actus.fr

About Lhyfe

Launched in Nantes (France) in 2017, Lhyfe produces and supplies green and renewable hydrogen for mobility and industry. Its production plants and upcoming projects are designed to provide green and renewable hydrogen in industrial quantities and form part of a virtuous energy model benefitting the environment. The company is a member of France Hydrogène and of Hydrogen Europe. Lhyfe inaugurated its first renewable green hydrogen industrial production site in the second half of 2021. The company has a commercial pipeline representing a total production capacity of 9.8 GW by 2030 (figure as of September 2022). Following an offshore research programme initiated in 2019, a test phase in real conditions for the world’s first offshore renewable green hydrogen production pilot site linked to a floating wind farm was started in September 2022.

For more information go to www.lhyfe.com

About Hexagon Purus

Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.

Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About Mitsui

Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (8031: JP) is a global trading and investment company with a diversified business portfolio that spans approximately 63 countries in Asia, Europe, North, Central & South America, The Middle East, Africa and Oceania. Mitsui has about 5,500 employees and deploys talent around the globe to identify, develop, and grow businesses in collaboration with a global network of trusted partners. Mitsui has built a strong and diverse core business portfolio covering the Mineral and Metal Resources, Energy, Machinery and Infrastructure, and Chemicals industries.

Leveraging its strengths, Mitsui has further diversified beyond its core profit pillars to create multifaceted value in new areas, including innovative Energy Solutions, Healthcare & Nutrition and through a strategic focus on high-growth Asian markets. This strategy aims to derive growth opportunities by harnessing some of the world’s main mega-trends: sustainability, health & wellness, digitalization and the growing power of the consumer.

Mitsui has a long heritage in Asia, where it has established a diverse and strategic portfolio of businesses and partners that gives it a strong differentiating edge, provides exceptional access for all global partners to the world’s fastest growing region and strengthens its international portfolio.

For more information on Mitsui & Co’s businesses visit, www.mitsui.com.


28.10.2022 kl 13:37 49800

Hvis batterier fullt og helt vinner over hydrogen når det kommer til transportmidler, er det allikevel et gigantmarked for hydrogen?
Rect Angel
28.10.2022 kl 14:06 49798

Ja, helt klart et gigantmarked for (grønt) hydrogen ex. transportsektoren.

For ordens skyld: Hexagon Purus utvikler, designer og leverer også batterliløsninger til transportsektoren. Jamnfør f.eks. denne avtalen med 100% Toyota-eide, USA-baserte Hino Motors, verdt ca. 10.3 milliarder NOK, gitt realtime USD/NOK 10.316

Hexagon Purus signs agreement with Hino Motors to supply battery packs for serial production of zero emission heavy-duty vehicles

February 11, 2022 01:30 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA


Videre angående hydrogen anvendt som energibærer innen transportsektoren. Dagens avtale dreier seg bl.a. om distribusjon av hydrogen til transportsektoren. En god del hydrogenbusser (mange av disse med hydrogentanker/type-4 sylindere og drivstoffsystemer levert av Hexagon Purus) kjører f.eks. allerede i europeiske storbyer og i Nord-Amerika.

Utelukker personlig allerede nå at batteridrevet "tar hele kaka" innen transportsektoren. Batteri er i stor grad uegnet innen sektorer som maritimt, luftfart, jernbane, gruvemaskineri, anleggsmaskineri. Tror også på mye hydrogen innen tyngste/lang rekkevidde tungtransport. Vil på sikt ikke utelukke hydrogen innen noen sektor innen transport. Jmfr. f.eks. det pågående Hexagon Purus prosjektet for utvikling av flate hydrogentanker for personbiler i samarbeid med BMW, Bosch og TesTneT Engineering GmbH. Meget spennende det!

Hexagon Purus joins forces with BMW, Bosch and TesTneT on project “FlatHyStor” to research innovative hydrogen storage system solutions for hydrogen-powered vehicles

February 03, 2022 10:35 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA

Redigert 29.10.2022 kl 11:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
29.10.2022 kl 15:53 49722

Nå drar det seg til! Hittil har nærmest alt skjedd i California når det gjelder hydrogen som energibærerer innen transportsektoren i USA. Men nå forventes en hydrogenboom innen transportsektoren over hele USA som en konsekvens av føderale myndigheters gedigne finansielle stimulipakker.

Og i denne artikkelen om alliansene som nå dannes innen bransjen, dukker det opp en for oss her hjemme kjent aktør som ser store muligheter. For den som ikke måtte vite det, er Hexagon Group vel etablert i USA og utvider for tiden produksjonskapasiteten på flere lokasjoner på det nord-amerikanske kontinentet, i Europa og Kina.

Morten Holum, CEO, of Hexagon Purus, a provider of hydrogen fuel and distributions systems, pointed out that in addition to the $7 billion set aside to create hydrogen hubs, the nascent zero-emission industry is also getting a big boost from the largest U.S. climate and tax bill to date – the Inflation Reduction Act, which was passed into law in August.

“It aims to reduce carbon emissions by roughly 40% by 2030, and reach net zero carbon emissions in the U.S. by 2050,” Holum explained. “It unlocks $370 billion of funding for clean energy and domestic energy production and includes a hydrogen production tax credit of up to $3.0/kg.”


Hydrogen partnerships springing up across the U.S. could accelerate fuel cell adoption

Tom Quimby, CCJ senior editor
Oct 28, 2022


Redigert 29.10.2022 kl 18:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
31.10.2022 kl 13:14 49556

Ser man det. Når man snakker om sola, hender det at den skinner. Berørte spesifikt hydrogenbuss i et innlegg
her på denne tråden 28.10.2022 kl 14:06.

Godsakene bare fortsetter å rulle inn til Hexagon Group nå!

For mindre enn et par timer siden børsmeldte Hexagon Purus i dag mandag 31.oktober ny kontrakt, om leveranser av drivstoffsystemer inkludert hydrogentanker til CaetanoBus, potensielt verdt 360 millioner NOK++. 👍

Hexagon Purus selected by CaetanoBus as preferred supplier of high-pressure hydrogen fuel systems for fuel cell transit buses

October 31, 2022 06:25 ET | Source: Hexagon Composites ASA

Hexagon Purus, a world leading supplier of zero emission mobility solutions, has entered into a four-year supply agreement with CaetanoBus as their preferred supplier of hydrogen fuel systems for serially produced fuel-cell transit buses. Hexagon Purus is already a supplier to CaetanoBus and has delivered several hydrogen fuel systems. This agreement further formalizes and cements the relationship between the two partners.

The hydrogen fuel systems will be supplied from Hexagon Purus’ facility in Kassel, Germany. The estimated potential value over the lifetime of the frame agreement is approximately EUR 35 million (approximately NOK 350 million).   

Driving Energy Transformation

“CaetanoBus works to provide safer and greener solutions based on our product experience, advanced technology and passion for transporting people worldwide”, says Patricia Vasconcelos, CEO of CaetanoBus. “We are happy to have Hexagon Purus onboard the team as a reliable partner and supplier of hydrogen fuel storage systems for serial production of our fuel-cell transit buses”.

“Becoming the preferred supplier of hydrogen fuel systems for CaetanoBus’ transit buses highlights our strong market position with European bus OEMs”, says Michael Kleschinski, Executive Vice President of Hexagon Purus.

“We are pleased to have successfully supported Hexagon Purus’ business growth by leveraging the synergies between their competitive solutions with our global network”, says Takafumi Kasai, General Manager of Functional Materials Div. in Mitsui. “More specifically, it is a true joy that we can contribute to further business expansion between two leading zero-emission players: Hexagon Purus and CateanoBus”.

About the market

The transportation sector is accountable for about 20% of annual carbon emissions globally, and hydrogen has a significant role to play in reducing emissions from this sector and other “hard to abate” sectors. Making green hydrogen available for use in the transportation sector is critical to reduce carbon emissions.

As hydrogen, a key contributor to the energy transition, continues to build momentum globally, more than 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps, over USD 70 billion in government funding is committed to hydrogen investments, 500 large-scale hydrogen projects have been announced by the industry to date and green hydrogen is projected to supply up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050.

For more information:

Mathias Meidell, Investor Relations Director, Hexagon Purus
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com

About CaetanoBus

CaetanoBus, part of Toyota Caetano Portugal and Mitsui & Co, is a bus and chassis manufacturer in Portugal. The company has a consolidated offer in vehicles for cities and airports, resulting from its technical capacity in developing unique, customer-oriented mobility solutions. CaetanoBus is also the manufacturer of COBUS, the world’s market leader in airport bus transportation. CaetanoBus has been focusing on electric mobility since 1980. Most of our products are intended for export and are now transporting people worldwide. It is a company that uses technology, innovation, and design to be always one step ahead, closer to the future.

About Hexagon Purus

Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus’ products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.

Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Redigert 31.10.2022 kl 15:02 Du må logge inn for å svare
31.10.2022 kl 15:13 49563

Kan ikke forstå annet enn at denne aksjen nå roper KJØP med store bokstaver
Rect Angel
01.11.2022 kl 08:23 49470

Hexagon Purus Q3 2022: 115% omsetningsvekst YOY i 3.kvartal 2022!

Live webcast-presentsjon nå kl. 08:30:


Hexagon Purus delivered robust year-over-year revenue growth in Q3 2022 coupled with continued strong commercial momentum in hydrogen distribution applications.  

Q3 2022 highlights:

Revenue grew 115 % year over year to NOK 222 million, including NOK 143 million contribution from Wystrach driven by strong demand in hydrogen distribution applications

Received purchase orders worth NOK 290 million for hydrogen distribution systems from multiple customers to be deployed in Europe including Germany, Poland and Netherlands

Exited the quarter with total backlog exceeding NOK 1 billion

Successfully closed the acquisition of 40% of Cryoshelter’s liquid hydrogen business bringing early-stage expertise in liquid hydrogen tank technology for zero emission mobility applications which could potentially result in a future complementary offering to Hexagon Purus’s market leading compressed hydrogen cylinder technology

In the third quarter of 2022, Hexagon Purus Group (“the Company”) generated NOK 222 (103) million in revenue and recorded operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) of NOK -92 (-80) million. Revenue growth of 115 % was driven by the acquisition of Wystrach which contributed NOK 143 million in sales.

Continued investments in personnel and infrastructure to support and accelerate Hexagon Purus’ future growth drive negative profitability. Additionally, the Group has been subject to inflationary pressure in the cost of its key inputs which is being addressed through offsetting pricing actions as well as cost reduction efforts.

Key developments after balance sheet date:

Secured a framework agreement for delivery of hydrogen distribution systems to a leading European producer of green hydrogen; the minimum value of the framework agreement is approximately EUR 9.7 million

Selected by CaetanoBus as preferred supplier of high-pressure hydrogen fuel systems for serially produced fuel cell transit buses, the estimated potential value over the lifetime of the frame agreement is approximately EUR 35 million

 Presentation of the results:

Hexagon Purus will present the Q3 2022 results at 08:30 CET and the presentation will be broadcasted live via https://hexagonpurus.kg5.no/.   

The presentation will be held in English and be virtual. Recording of the presentation will be made available on www.hexagonpurus.com.  

For more information:

Mathias Meidell, IR Director, Hexagon Purus ASA
Telephone: +47 909 82 242 | mathias.meidell@hexagonpurus.com

Dilip Warrier, CFO, Hexagon Purus ASA
Telephone: +1 949-236-5528 | dilip.warrier@hexagonpurus.com

About Hexagon Purus ASA

Hexagon Purus, a Hexagon Composites company, enables zero emission mobility for a cleaner energy future. The company is a world leading provider of hydrogen Type 4 high-pressure cylinders and systems, battery systems and vehicle integration solutions for fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles. Hexagon Purus' products are used in a variety of applications including light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, buses, ground storage, distribution, refueling, maritime, rail and aerospace.

Learn more at www.hexagonpurus.com and follow @HexagonPurus on Twitter and LinkedIn.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act


Redigert 01.11.2022 kl 08:26 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
02.11.2022 kl 11:46 49467

Først av alt vil jeg anbefale alle å se webcasten fra Hexagon Purus's Q3 2022 presentasjon i går 1.november. Så den selv i går kveld. Veldig, veldig overbevisende. imponerende!

Og hvordan hagler ikke børsmeldte kontrakter inn til Hexagon Group om dagen! I dag er det Hexagon Composites's desidert største divisjon Hexagon Agility som børsmelder nok en kontrakt.

Hexagon Agility receives order from Super Natural Gas Ltd for Mobile Pipeline® modules to meet customer demand for natural gas

2.11.2022 08:30 • GlobeNewswire • 

2 November 2022: Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, received a new order from Super Natural Gas Ltd, wholly owned by Supergas Energy and a leading full-service provider of compressed natural gas (CNG) in Israel, to deliver Mobile Pipeline modules to transport clean natural gas to Supergas customers.

This order has an estimated value of EUR 4.8 million (approx. NOK 48 million).

Delivering safe and innovative solutions

“Today, our fleet is 100% comprised of X-STORE® modules by Hexagon Agility because of their performance and reliability. X-STORE modules have allowed us to become the market leader in mobile gas distribution, serving our industrial customers and also providing mobile fueling for transportation,” said Chen Melamed, CEO of Supergas Energy. “We are making significant investments to become a leading multi-disciplinary energy supplier and Hexagon Agility is an important partner in this strategic endeavor.”

Hexagon Agility has the most comprehensive Mobile Pipeline portfolio in the industry. Along with the TITAN® products sold around the world, X-STORE is designed specifically to meet UN standards employed in Europe and other ADR countries like Israel.

“Supergas has been a pioneer in mobile gas distribution and today they manage one of the most efficient Mobile Pipeline operations in the world,” says Seung Baik, President of Hexagon Agility.  “With current energy challenges and Israel’s strategic position to help address those challenges, we are proud of the work we are doing together and grateful for their continued business.”

The discovery of the Leviathon and Tamar gas fields in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel present the opportunity for the nation state to become energy independent. Mobile Pipeline is enabling energy based industries to adopt natural gas to reduce energy costs while addressing sustainability goals. Additionally, the transportation sector continues to adopt natural gas vehicles, with many of them currently fueled by Mobile Pipeline rather than traditional fuel stations due to the lack of pipeline infrastructure. Israel’s gas reserves easily exceed the country’s energy consumption, position it to become net exporter of gas to Europe and the Middle East.

About the market

Mobile Pipeline is vital to driving energy transformation away from petroleum fuels to clean and renewable natural gas. Companies like Supergas are leaders in the industry, enabling customers without pipeline access to adopt natural gas and meet their environmental goals.

Natural gas is today’s low carbon, cost effective alternative energy. Renewable natural gas (RNG) is pipeline quality gas fully compatible with today’s infrastructure and Mobile Pipeline equipment. Because RNG is the only carbon negative energy source, it is being rapidly adopted to drive decarbonization of industrial and vehicle fleet operations.

With more than 1,800 Mobile Pipeline modules now deployed around the world, Hexagon Agility continues to set the standard for safety, reliability, and performance. 


The modules are expected to be delivered in the second quarter of 2023.

For more information:

Karen Romer, SVP Communications, Hexagon Composites 
Telephone: +47 950 74 950 | karen.romer@hexagongroup.com 

Ingrid Aarsnes, VP Investor Relations and ESG, Hexagon Composites ASA 
Telephone: +47 950 38 364 | ingrid.aarsnes@hexagongroup.com  

About Supergas Energy Ltd

Super Natural Gas, wholly owned by Supergas Energy, is a leading energy company in the fields of LPG, natural gas, compressed natural gas, electricity, renewable energies and energy efficiency. Established in 1953, Supergas specializes in the design and construction of gas distribution systems and is a major gas supplier to a variety of sectors – residential, agricultural, commercial and industrial. The company is constantly adapting to changes in technology and seeking to meet and exceed quality and safety standards.  With locations throughout the country, Supergas Energy serves half a million customers through a network of branches and agents. Hundreds of professional technicians, 24/7 call centers, control centers, and a national emergency center are available to our customers around the clock.

About Hexagon Agility

Hexagon Agility, a business of Hexagon Composites, is a leading global provider of clean fuel solutions for commercial vehicles and gas transportation solutions. Its product offerings include natural gas storage and delivery systems, Type 4 composite natural gas cylinders, propane, and natural gas fuel systems. These products transport clean gaseous fuels and enable vehicles to reduce emissions while saving operating costs. Learn more at hexagonagility.com and follow @HexagonAgility on Twitter and LinkedIn.

About Hexagon Composites ASA

Hexagon delivers safe and innovative solutions for a cleaner energy future. Our solutions enable storage, transportation and conversion to clean energy in a wide range of mobility, industrial and consumer applications. Learn more at hexagongroup.com and follow @HexagonASA on Twitter and LinkedIn.


Redigert 02.11.2022 kl 11:52 Du må logge inn for å svare
Rect Angel
02.11.2022 kl 11:57 49535

PS) Angående første avsnitt i forrige innlegg. La inn feil link til webcast fra Hexagon Purus's Q3 2022 presentasjon i går. Innlegget er så langt at det kun var mulig å fjerne den feile linken, men ikke mulig å legge inn en ny og riktig. Så her er den. Bør som sagt absolutt sees. Enjoy.

03.11.2022 kl 12:55 49489

En god kjøpsdag i HEX dette. Fremtiden lysere enn noen gang. Kostnadene straks under kontroll og sterkt økende ordrebok. Fremtiden er grønn og fremtiden blir HEX.
03.11.2022 kl 13:02 49655

Tenker ikke på salg her under kr. 50. Dette er den eneste grønne aksjen jeg ser som vettug og kan regne hjem.